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Dog Questions
can dogs eat strawberries

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? - Your Food Questions, Answered

Written by Steph McCulloch


Explore the question: Can dogs eat strawberries? Delve into the nutritional aspects, potential benefits, and precautions associated with offering this fruit to your canine friend. Gain expert insights on integrating strawberries into your dog's diet, considering their overall health and wellbeing. Determine whether strawberries can be a suitable and safe addition to your pet's treat options.
a dog eating a strawberry


Strawberries are a popular fruit all year round and a top-tier snack for many of us at Waggel. For pet owners, the question "Can dogs eat strawberries?" often sparks both curiosity and concern.

As our doggy companions, we know that their dietary well-being is our paramount consideration at all times.

Fortunately, this is why we're on hand to expertly answer the time-old query, "Can my dog eat a strawberry?".

Wanting to know what foods are safe for dogs reflects a desire for dog owners to understand the safety and potential health benefits of incorporating this delightful treat into their dog's diet - something we definitely approve of.

Though we wish we could give our dogs a little taste of everything we eat, some things really aren't safe.

In this guide, we're taking an in-depth look at the safety of strawberries and whether these juicy, red berries can be a tasty sweet treat for our canine companions.

Yes, dogs can enjoy strawberries!

white dog looking at strawberry

Answering the main question: Yes, dogs can eat strawberries, and in fact, strawberries are generally considered safe for canine consumption when given in moderation.

The key lies in understanding that strawberries, as a natural form of fruit for dogs, can be a healthy and flavourful addition to a dog's diet, offering a range of
essential nutrients.

These berries are
packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, contributing to overall well-being.
However, as with any treat, it's crucial to moderate the quantity to avoid potential digestive issues.

So, the answer to "Can my dog eat a strawberry?" is affirmative, but as pet parents, you should exercise prudence and incorporate strawberries into your dog's diet as a tasty, occasional safe treat rather than a regular staple.

Understanding the safety of strawberries for dogs

Strawberries can be a healthy snack for dogs in moderation. They are low in calories and high in nutrients like vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Strawberries contain beneficial compounds like anthocyanins, ellagic acid, quercetin, and catechin - all of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some key benefits of strawberries for dogs include:

  • Vitamin C: Strawberries are a source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for dogs that supports a healthy immune system and collagen production. Just a few strawberries can meet about 10-15% of a dog's daily vitamin C requirement.

  • Fibre: They contain fibre that can help regulate digestion and promote gut health in dogs. The fibre may also help support healthy blood sugar levels.

  • Antioxidants: Strawberries contain polyphenol antioxidants that can help protect dog cells from oxidative damage and inflammation. These antioxidants may help improve health and reduce disease risk.

In the UK, dogs can eat fresh fruit like strawberries, frozen strawberries, or freeze-dried strawberries. It's fine for dogs to eat the tops/hulls/leaves along with the strawberries. The greens are edible and also contain beneficial nutrients. Just be sure to clean strawberries thoroughly and cut large berries to prevent choking.

Moderation is key, as too many strawberries could lead to tummy trouble or
diarrhoea. Generally, a few bite-sized treats 2-3 times per week is a healthy treat. Make sure to introduce them slowly to monitor for any individual intolerances. Overall, strawberries can be a nutritious supplement to a balanced dog diet.

Moderation is key

close up of dog licking strawberry

It's important not to overdo it on strawberries for dogs. While nutritious, too many at once can lead to stomach upset, diarrhoea, or intestinal distress. Moderation is key.

As a general guideline, larger dogs can have 2-3 strawberries 2-3 times per week as an occasional treat. Smaller dogs should have portions adjusted accordingly - a good rule of thumb is pieces that make up about 10% or less of their daily treat intake.

To prevent overconsumption:

  • Chop strawberries into small, bite-size pieces before serving them to dogs. This helps slow down eating and allows you to better control portion sizes.

  • Mix a few small chopped strawberries in with their regular dog food rather than feeding berries alone.

  • Use strawberries in moderation as part of a rotating variety of fruits offered as treats. Too much of one thing can cause sensitivity over time.

  • Pay attention to your individual dog as well. If loose stool occurs, cut back the amount and frequency. Allow a few days' break before slowly reintroducing in smaller amounts. Hold back entirely if diarrhoea or vomiting occurs.

Following these tips will allow your dog to safely enjoy strawberries and reap the nutritional benefits.

Foods with strawberries for dogs

So, now you know dogs can eat strawberries, you might be wondering what other strawberry-related foods they can eat. Fear not, our doggy diet experts are here to help.

Can dogs eat strawberry yoghurt?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberry yoghurt in moderation as an occasional treat. Plain or vanilla yoghurt tends to be best, as strawberry yoghurt often contains added sugar content.

Make sure to choose a dog-safe brand without artificial sweeteners. The probiotics and calcium in yoghurt can provide some additional nutritional benefits for dogs.

But beware that some dogs may be lactose intolerant. Monitor your dog's reactions carefully when introducing dairy products. Reduce serving size or avoid giving yoghurt if diarrhoea occurs.

Can dogs eat strawberry jam?

No, dogs should not eat strawberry jam. While the strawberries themselves may be dog-safe, commercially produced jams and preserves contain high amounts of natural sugar which can be detrimental to canine health.

Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other problems over time. Even if labelled "all-natural", jam often still contains added sweeteners.

Additionally, some jams have citric acid or pectin thickeners that may cause stomach upset. So it's best to avoid giving dogs strawberry jam or any sweet fruit spread.

Can dogs eat strawberry tops?

Yes, the green tops, leaves, stems and hulls of strawberries are edible and safe for dogs to eat. Many nutrients in strawberries are concentrated in the greens.

The plant parts contain beneficial compounds and fibre. As long as the strawberries come from your home garden and have not been treated with pesticides, the hulls and tops can be a nutritious part of the berry for dogs to consume.

The fibrous textures can even help clean dog teeth and support gum health. Veterinary nutritionists generally approve of dogs eating the entire harvested above-ground strawberry.

Common concerns and precautions

a corgi puppy eating strawberry

Whole, large strawberries can present a choking risk for dogs. Be sure to wash, hull and cut strawberries into bite-sized pieces before serving to your dog.

Cutting helps prevent choking and allows you to better control portion sizes as well. Monitor your dog while they are eating any small, round food item.

While most dogs can enjoy strawberries, excessive quantities can lead to diarrhoea, gas or bloating. Introduce strawberries slowly at first to watch for any digestive issues.

Start with just a few pieces 2-3 times per week. If any loose stool develops, discontinue strawberries for a few days then restart at a lower amount. Stop feeding strawberries if diarrhoea persists.

Allergies or sensitivities to strawberries appear very rare in dogs but are possible. Monitor for any signs of skin irritation, gastrointestinal distress, or respiratory issues when introducing
new foods. Seek veterinary guidance if you suspect a food allergy.

In most cases, dogs can eat fresh strawberries without issue. Pay attention to your individual dog's reactions. Reduce serving sizes or stop feeding altogether if any adverse effects occur.

When fed responsibly in moderation, strawberries make a fine, fibre and vitamin C-rich supplement to your dog's regular
balanced diet.

Alternatives to strawberries

yorkshire terrier eating strawberry outside

In addition to classic tasty treats like strawberries, there are other berries dogs can enjoy.

  • Blackberries: Blackberries are loaded with fibre and antioxidants. Ripe, seedless blackberries are the best option.

  • Raspberries: Like blackberries, raspberries contain antioxidants and fibre. Be sure to only feed ripe, seedless raspberries.

  • Blueberries: Low in calories and high in fibre and antioxidants. Blueberries make a healthy treat.

  • Cranberries: Fresh or dried cranberries are OK for dogs, but avoid canned cranberries with added sugar. Too many cranberries may cause an upset stomach.

When giving your dog berries, make sure to wash them and cut them to an appropriate size if necessary. It's best to avoid feeding dogs berries with pits and seeds, as these can potentially cause intestinal blockages or other issues if consumed.

Some examples of unsafe berries are cherries, peaches, and apricots. The pits in these fruits contain cyanide, which is poisonous.

In moderation, berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries make tasty, antioxidant-rich treats for dogs.

Always supervise your pet, and discontinue feeding if you notice any signs of an adverse reaction. Focus on berries without pits and toxic elements to keep your dog happy and healthy.


When given in moderation, strawberries can be a delightful treat and a nutritious snack for dogs. They are low in calories and high in nutrients like vitamin C, folic acid, and fibre.

Strawberries also contain natural sugar and antioxidants that can promote your dog's health, including maintaining coat health and supporting their digestive systems.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, remove stems and leaves, and cut larger berries, like ripe strawberries, into an appropriate size for your dog.

As with any human food, strawberries should only make up a small portion of your dog's overall diet.

While small amounts of a bit of strawberry are generally safe for dogs, be sure to keep an eye out for any signs of stomach upset or allergic reaction.

If your dog experiences vomiting, diarrhoea, or
other symptoms after eating strawberries, refrain from giving them again. This will help in weight control and prevent any tummy trouble.

Check with your veterinarian if you have any concerns over feeding your dog new foods like fruit snacks.

With proper precautions, strawberries can be a tasty and healthy addition to your dog's nutritional regimen, contributing to the overall health of their digestive tract.

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