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Cat Questions
cat grooming guide tips

Cat Grooming Guide - Tips to Groom Your Cat

Written by Ryan Gliozzo


Grooming a cat is an important part of keeping your feline friend healthy and happy. While some cats are more tolerant of grooming than others, all cats benefit from regular brushing and bathing. In addition to removing loose fur and dirt, grooming helps to stimulate circulation and can be a bonding experience for you and your cat.
Cat being groomed


Most cat owners know that cats enjoy grooming themselves, but what a lot of people don't realise is that cats actually need help to groom properly.

When it comes to cat grooming, it needs to be done regularly. 

Failing to do so can lead to some nasty health problems such as hairballs, fur mats, and even skin infections. So, Dead hair can be a danger(oh my!) however you don't need a professional groomer to keep your kitty in tip-top shape.

If you're finding it tough to keep up with your cat's grooming needs, you're not alone.

That's why we've put together these handy tips to keep your kitty looking and feeling fabulous.

 From brushing and bathing to clipping their nails, we'll talk you through it step by step and pamper your cat with a grooming session which wouldn't be out of place in a high-end spa.

Why cats groom themselves

cat grooming itself

Cats spend a lot of time keeping clean. They love it. Preening is almost an art form for them, and cats will attempt all sorts of less-than-graceful positions to reach all those awkward places.

For cats, there's more to grooming than just keeping clean. Here are some of the reasons your furry friend grooms themselves:

Remove loose hair

Grooming loose hair is important to keep their coat in good condition, but it's especially important for long-haired cats who can develop mats and tangles. 

Regular brushing can help with long-haired cats.

Stimulate the skin

When cats lick their fur, they stimulate glands that release natural oils that keep their coat looking shiny, healthy, and waterproof.

Remove dirt and parasites

Grooming is essential for removing dirt, debris, and parasites like fleas that can be lurking in your cat's fur.

Regulate body temperature

When your cat is hot, they will lick their coat, using their saliva to cool themselves down.

They enjoy it

Do cats like being groomed? No, they don't like it, they love it! Cats love to groom because it feels good! All that licking is therapeutic.

 It's often used as a form of self-soothing when they're feeling stressed.

Cat grooming and brushing

Image of a cat being groomed

Grooming is an essential part of taking care of your cat, but it's also important to do it right.

 If you're unsure how to brush your cat properly, bathe them, or clip their nails correctly, you could be doing more harm than good.

How often should you groom your cat?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as your cat's coat type and length. 

Long-haired cats need to be groomed more frequently since they are prone to matting and tangles.

Try to groom your cat at least once a week, although daily grooming is better.

If your furry friend isn't used to being groomed, start slowly and be patient.

Start with a small soft brush, and then move up to a medium or even a large brush if your cat tolerates it.

What you'll need

Before you begin grooming your cat, you'll need to gather a few supplies:

A good brush or comb: Look for one specifically designed for cats. This should prevent their fur from tangling.

A nail clipper: You'll need a good quality nail clipper. Be sure to get one that's the right size for your cat. Cat nail clippers are available at most pet shops and are especially suited for cats only.

A de-shedding tool: If your cat sheds a lot, you may want to invest in a de-shedding tool. This will help remove the excess loose hair from their undercoat and prevent mats from forming.

How to groom a cat

Start gently at the head and work your way down their body. Pay extra attention to their belly and legs, where mats and tangles are more likely to form.

If you find a mat, gently loosen it with your fingers before you carry on brushing. If that doesn't work, you can use a de-matting comb to carefully remove the mat without damaging your cat's fur or skin.

When brushing your cat's coat, always be gentle and go slowly and carefully.

Most importantly, make sure to give plenty of snuggles and ear rubs to make it a positive experience for your fluffy friend.

Cat nail clipping and bathing

Cat being washed

Cats need their nails clipped regularly. If left, they can become too long and sharp. This can make it difficult for them to walk, and in extreme cases, long claws can cause damage to the paw pads and become infected.

It is recommended to trim your cat's nails every few weeks and give them plenty of things to sink their claws into, like a good scratching post.

This will prevent them from using your fancy new sofa or antique table legs instead! Cat nail trimmers are made specifically for cats only and are available at a wide range of shops and pet shops throughout the UK.

How to clip your cat's nails

Most cats hate having their nails clipped, but it's necessary. However, you can make the job easier for both of you by following these tips:

  • Calmly sit your cat on your lap and make them comfortable.

  • Take a paw in your hand, gently press on the toe, and massage to reveal the nail.

  • Examine the nail and note where the quick is (the quick is the blood vessel running through the nail)

  • Clip only the sharp end of the nail, being careful not to cut the quick as it may bleed, and it can be pretty painful for your furry friend.

  • Cut across and not at an angle to avoid splintering or damaging the nail.

  • Give your fluffy friend a treat after each nail is cut to make a positive association with getting a moggy manicure.

  • If they're still comfortable, try the next one. If not, don't force them, just try again later.

  • When performing a cat nail trim, it's important that they feel comfortable. Start slowly and take your time.

  • Use a good-quality nail clipper that's the correct size for your cat.

If you don't feel comfortable clipping your cat's nails yourself, please ask your vet as most will be more than happy to do it for you.

How to bathe your cat

a cat being bathed

Not all cats need a bath, and it's not something that is typically done on a regular basis. However, if your cat gets mucky, or if they have a skin condition, you may have to do it.

Before you start, gather everything you'll need: a mild cat shampoo, a cup for rinsing, a towel or two, and a brush. You may also want to add a rubber bath mat or other rubber mat to prevent your soggy moggy from sliding all over the bathtub!

Then, follow these steps:

  • Fill your bath or sink with warm (not hot) water. You'll only need enough to wet your cat's fur, so don't fill it too high.

  • Place your cat in the bath and wet their fur.

  • Apply a small amount of shampoo to their fur and work it in gently. Start with their back and shoulders, work your way down to their paws, careful not to get any soap in their eyes or ears.

  • Rinse your cat thoroughly with warm water. Be sure to get all the shampoo out.

  • Gently brush through any knots or tangles.

  • Wrap your soggy moggy in a towel and gently rub them dry.  

You may want to trim your cat's nails before giving them their bath. There's a good chance your cat will be far from ecstatic about bathtime, and their body language will surely show this so you may want to protect your arms with something long-sleeved.

Remember, human shampoo can be harmful due to the pH level, perfumes, and added chemicals. Always use a mild shampoo that's specifically designed for cats.

De-shedding your cat

a cat being brushed

De-shedding tools are key to keeping your kitty's coat looking fabulous all year round. With a good de-shedding tool, you can easily keep your cat's coat free of mats and tangles and reduce the amount of hair they shed indoors.

FURminator de-shedding tools

The FURminator de-shedding tool is a fantastic way to keep your feline friend's coat in tip-top condition.

It makes brushing a breeze and saves your home and clothes from being covered in fur.

After the first couple of grooming sessions alone, the FURminator cuts down on loose hair by an impressive 90% and is much more effective than a standard or bristle brush.

Designed to be durable with a stainless steel comb and ergonomic handle, this amazing tool keeps your moggy's coat looking fantastic. It removes the undercoat while redistributing those all-important natural oils to their topcoat.

Another nifty feature is the FURejector button that effortlessly removes hair from the comb with a simple click, making it easy to clean.

There are two varieties available. One for kitties with shorter hair less than five centimetres long and the other for felines with longer locks over five centimetres long.

Both come in small and large sizes:

Small - up to 4.5kg
Large - over 4.5kg

If you're looking for an effective way to keep your cat's coat looking great, the FURminator de-shedding tool is a must-have.


Grooming your cat is an important part of their overall health and well-being. It keeps them clean and helps to prevent matted hair and tangles, removes loose hair and stimulates the skin.

Your cat should be groomed regularly - daily if they have a long coat, and at least once a week if they have a short coat.

Remember, as part of your grooming routine, you should always use a brush or comb that's specifically designed for cats, and trim their nails regularly.

If your cat needs a bath, use a mild shampoo for cats.

And finally, if your cat sheds a lot, consider investing in a de-shedding tool.

Join your cat for some quality pampering time. You can keep your cat looking fabulous and 'feline great' with a little care and effort.

Waggel Pet Insurance

Need more help? You're in luck if you're a Waggel Pet Insurance member. Along with our excellent coverage, we offer access to a 24/7 online vet to answer all your sticky questions, especially if you need grooming assistance.

Not a member? Why not get a quote now and cover your furry friend for a range of illnesses, all while enjoying our amazing perks and rewards.

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