Any of the following breeds, including any dogs crossed or mixed with these excluded breeds:
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
American Bandogge / Bandogge Mastiff
American Bully / XL Bully / Pocket Bully
American Foxhound
American/Irish Staffordshire Bull Terriers
Anatolian Karabash
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Anglican Bulldogge
Australian Dingo
Biewer Terrier/Biewer Terrier Cross
Braque du Bourbonnais
Brazilian Dogo
Bucovina Shepherd Dog
Bully Kutta
Canary Dogs / Perro de Presa Canarios / Presa Canarios
Cane Corsos
Caucasian Shepherd Dog / Caucasian Ovcharka
Cretan Hound
Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs / Sarlooswolfhounds / Wolf Hybrids
Dogo Argentino / Argentine Dogo / Argentinian Mastiff
Fila Brasileiro / Cao Fila / Saint Miguel Cattle Dog / Azores Cattle Dog / Brazilian Mastiff
Fox hound / Foxhound
French Gun Dog
Greek Harehound
Greek Shepherd / Greek sheepdog / Hellenikos Poimenikos
Istrian Hound
Japanese Tosa / Tosa Inus
Korean Jindo
Northern Inuit Dogs
Pit Bull Terrier
Racing Greyhounds
Sabueso Español
Shar Pei
Thai Ridgeback
Turkish Kangal
Any dog banned in Great Britain
This includes any ‘type’ defined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, considered to match the description of a prohibited ‘type’; any breed crossed with these dogs; and any other breed or type added at a later date.
Any dog used for hunting, shooting, trade, or business
Any dogs under 8 weeks old
Any of the following breeds, including any cats crossed or mixed with these excluded breeds:
Asian Leopard Cat
Any cats under 8 weeks old