Terms & conditions - Excluded Breeds

Excluded Dog Breeds:

Any of the following breeds, including any dogs crossed or mixed with these excluded breeds:

  • Akita

  • Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog

  • American Bandogge / Bandogge Mastiff

  • American Bully / XL Bully / Pocket Bully

  • American Foxhound

  • American/Irish Staffordshire Bull Terriers

  • Anatolian Karabash

  • Anatolian Shepherd Dog

  • Anglican Bulldogge

  • Australian Dingo

  • Braque du Bourbonnais

  • Brazilian Dogo

  • Bucovina Shepherd Dog

  • Bully Kutta

  • Canary Dogs / Perro de Presa Canarios / Presa Canarios

  • Cannan Dog / Cannan Dog Cross

  • Cane Corsos

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog / Caucasian Ovcharka

  • Cretan Hound

  • Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs / Sarlooswolfhounds / Wolf Hybrids

  • Dogo Argentino / Argentine Dogo / Argentinian Mastiff

  • Fila Brasileiro / Cao Fila / Saint Miguel Cattle Dog / Azores Cattle Dog / Brazilian Mastiff

  • Fox hound / Foxhound

  • French Gun Dog

  • Greek Harehound

  • Greek Shepherd / Greek sheepdog / Hellenikos Poimenikos

  • Istrian Hound

  • Japanese Tosa / Tosa Inus

  • Karabash

  • Korean Jindo

  • Northern Inuit Dogs

  • Pariah

  • Pit Bull Terrier

  • Racing Greyhounds

  • Sabueso Español

  • Shar Pei

  • Thai Ridgeback

  • Turkish Kangal

  • Utonagan

  • Any dog banned in Great Britain

  • This includes any ‘type’ defined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, considered to match the description of a prohibited ‘type’; any breed crossed with these dogs; and any other breed or type added at a later date.

  • Any dog used for hunting, shooting, trade, or business

  • Any dogs under 8 weeks old

  • Any dog breeds that don't appear during the quote process

Excluded Cat Breeds:

Any of the following breeds, including any cats crossed or mixed with these excluded breeds:

  • Asian Leopard Cat

  • Chausie

  • Keetso

  • Any cats under 8 weeks old

  • Any cat breeds that don't appear during the quote process