Second Chance Grant Application Guidance

The Second Chance Grant application form is made up of 20 questions that allow us to find out more about your charity and how you plan to use any granted funding.

Please note that the following types of organisations cannot be funded through the scheme:

  • Children’s or young people’s charities where the majority of beneficiaries would be under the age of 18

  • Top-tier local authorities

  • Individuals

  • Organisations where funding would be delivered overseas

  • Charities with any party political or religious affiliation

1. What is the name of your charity?

We need to know the name of your organisation, this should be the name of the charity that is applying for funding. It should match the information on your bank statements and governing documents i.e. constitution, Memorandum and Articles of Association etc.

2. What is your charity address?

Please provide the full address and postcode of the charity that is applying for funding.

3. Please provide us with your registered charity number.

At the moment, we are only able to provide support to registered charities. As part of the assessment, this information will be checked on the Charity Commission or Scottish Charity Commission website. 

4. Please tell us how many people are involved in the running of your charity. (Management committee, volunteers, full-time/part-time staff etc)

Please let us know how many people are involved in running your charity. This should also provide an overview of the different roles in your charity. 

5. Please provide the full name of the main contact for your charity's grant application.

This person should be able to talk about your work and address any additional questions that we may have about your application and future projects.

If your application is successful, the grant offer will be emailed to the main contact. They will be responsible for sending us an update once the project has ended. If your contacts change throughout the lifetime of the project it is your responsibility to confirm any changes with us directly, we will not be able to discuss the application with anyone who is not a named contact on the application form.

6. As the main contact, please provide your telephone number and email address.

Please provide a valid UK telephone number and email address.

7. Please let us know if you have any specific communication needs.

We intend to use email as our main means of communication.

8. Tell us about your charity, what you do and what your aims and objectives are.

This is your chance to tell us about your charity and what you do. Please describe what your charity’s aims and objectives are.

This is your opportunity to tell us about the work you are seeking funding for. We are keen to hear about work that will:

  • Facilitate the rehoming of cats and/or dogs

  • Educate potential pet owners on the benefits of opting for the rehoming route. 

9. Where is your project located?

Please provide the full address and postcode, as this information will be used for monitoring purposes.

10. Do you have the relevant permissions to carry out your work?

In the case that the funding request is to be allocated to work on buildings, for example, you would need to provide agreed planning permission and copies of the relevant floor plans.

Charities must also be able to evidence 12 months of running costs for these facilities. Please note that these agreements should already be signed and in place prior to submitting your application. 

11. How will your project contribute to or facilitate the rehoming of cats/dogs?

Please tell us here how your work will positively impact the process of rehoming cats/dogs in your care, how you will promote it, how you will get people to know about your work and how they can support and/or get involved. Please detail how this work would benefit from funding. 

12. How will your project educate people about responsible ownership and help them understand the benefits of pet adoption?

Please tell us here about any work you are doing to educate potential adopters and/or your wider community about pet ownership and how you are amplifying the message around adopting pets instead of purchasing them. 

13. How many cats and/or dogs will benefit from the completed project?

Please give a realistic number as to the number of pets that will benefit from the project once it is completed and explain what you have based your estimated number on (e.g. no. of animals admitted, adoption queries, average length of stay, dissemination of information).

14. Will your project provide volunteering opportunities during project delivery and once your project has been completed?

We want to fund projects that have a positive impact on local communities. Please let us know of any volunteering opportunities for Waggel employees or members of your wider community. 

15. Please provide details of your project delivery plan, your objectives and when you plan to start and finish your project.

Please ensure that your start date is realistic as Waggel will expect project delivery to be able to start within 4 weeks of receiving funding if successful.

Successful applicants will have 12 months from the date of their grant offer to spend and submit a short report on the awarded funding. 

The report may include photographs, newsletters, press releases or any social media on how the money has been spent and the impact it has had on cats/dogs and adopters. 

One of the things we will ask you to think about as you develop your application is how you will judge whether your work has made a difference. When you report back to us you can then tell us about your assessment of the work you are undertaking, and about important milestones you have reached.

We are always interested in learning about what works – and about what doesn’t. Please note, we cannot fund any activity that has taken place prior to notification of the grant award being made. 

16. Do you have an adequate safeguarding policy and procedures in place that are proportionate to your activities?

By selecting yes, you are declaring that you have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place that are proportionate to your activities and understand that a copy of this document can be requested for review at any time.

If your project is working with children or vulnerable adults, you will need to have a safeguarding policy in place. You must have your own tailored policy for safeguarding and relevant to your charity’s activities which has been agreed by your trustees or other governing body. This policy must be reviewed regularly and staff and trustees must be trained on its contents. 

17. How much funding are you requesting from the Second Chance Grant? (including irrecoverable VAT)

Please note that the maximum amount of funding you can request is £12,500 and the minimum is £1,000.  

A note about VAT

If your organisation is registered for VAT, your expenditure figures shouldn’t include VAT that you can claim back (often called recoverable VAT). If you’re not registered for VAT your costs should include VAT. Any VAT that you expect to incur but can’t claim back (irrecoverable VAT) should be in your expenditure breakdown.

18. How do you intend to spend your grant?

Please provide a budget breakdown of how you intend to spend your grant should your application be successful. There is no restriction on whether your grant is spent on capital (direct) or revenue (indirect) costs. Please note, in this section, we only want a list of what the Waggel grant would be spent on. 

19. Where did you hear about us?

So we can see how our promotion of the programme is working, please select one option telling us how you found out about the Second Chance Grant.

20. Here, we’re asking you to confirm a number of statements before you submit your application.

  • I certify that the information I have written on the application form and the documents I have submitted to be true and accurate.

  • I understand and agree that any false or misleading information will justify a rejection of my application.

  • I confirm that I have carefully read the Terms & Conditions and Application Guidance on the Waggel website and I understand all requirements of the grant fund.

  • I authorise Waggel to request any such information they deem necessary for the purpose of selection and monitoring as part of the grant fund.

Good luck with your application!